quarta-feira, 30 de junho de 2010
House Of Night: Capa de Tentada !

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Para Patty
Agora ela entrou nessa das músicas calmas... Eu adoro girlfriend (bom, vc já sabe disso), mas adorei essa, mesmo mesmo, acho que das dela, é a minha segundafavorita (ninguém tira girlfriend do 1º lugar, mas o segundo também é ótimo!!)
BJS esperando eclipse,
terça-feira, 29 de junho de 2010
Innocence - Avril Lavigne
Waking up I see that everything is ok
The first time in my life and now it's so great
Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed
I think about the little things that make life great
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling
This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect, please don't go away, I need you now
And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by
I found a place so safe, not a single tear
The first time in my life and now it's so clear
Feel calm I belong, I'm so happy here
It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling
This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect, please don't go away, I need you now
And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by
It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
It's so beautiful it makes you want to cry
This innocence is brilliant, it makes you want to cry
This innocence is brilliant, please don't go away
Cause I need you now
And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by
This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect, please don't go away, I need you now
And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by
Novos stills de Eclipse ;D

Damon Visita... - Alice Visitará Mystic Falls?

Para Alice
sexta-feira, 25 de junho de 2010
Halo - Beyoncé
Remember those walls I built
Well baby they're tumbling down
And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make a sound
I found a way to let you in
But I never really had a doubt
Standing in the light of your halo
I got my angel now
It's like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breaking
It's the risk that I'm taking
I ain't never gonna shut you out
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Prey it won't fade away
I can feel your halo, halo, halo
Can see your halo, halo, halo
Can feel your halo, halo, halo
Can see your halo, halo, halo
Hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkest night
You're the only one that I want
Think I'm addicted to your light
I swore I'd never fall again
But this don't even feel like falling
Gravity can't forget
To pull me back to the ground again
Feels like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breaking
It's the risk that I'm taking
I'm never gonna shut you out
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Prey it won't fade away
I can feel your halo, halo, halo
Can see your halo, halo, halo
Can feel your halo, halo, halo
Can see your halo, halo, halo
Can feel your halo, halo, halo
Can see your halo, halo, halo
Can feel your halo, halo, halo
Can see your halo, halo, halo
Halo, halo
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Prey it won't fade away
I can feel your halo, halo, halo
Can see your halo, halo, halo
Can feel your halo, halo, halo
Can see your halo, halo, halo
Can feel your halo, halo, halo
Can see your halo, halo, halo
Can feel your halo, halo, halo
Can see your halo, halo, halo
fonte: www.vagalume.com.br
Copa do Mundo: Brasil X Portugal

Hoje tivemos um empate no jogo entre Portugal e Brasil... Achei muito parada a partida, ainda mais porque os dois times já estavam classificados para as oitavas de final, eles nem correram atrás... --'
Damon Visita... - Uma Visita Para Alice Cullen

Para Patty
Luuucas!!! e então? novidades????
Gostei muito da organização, espeo que todos achem o mesmo!!!
BJS caramelados,
PS.: senti muita falta e saudades desse blog, prometo que vou passar a comentar mais!!!
Para Alice
Até tu querendo ver a Maria?
Ela que não cruze o meu caminho, ahauahauhaua.
quinta-feira, 24 de junho de 2010
Página de Músiicas!

I Will Be {Avril Lavigne} + The Golden Compass
Photoshot D-E-M-A-I-S !

Último livro de VD!
Maria & Royce, de Eclipse !
segunda-feira, 21 de junho de 2010
Still novo de Eclipse

Anúncio! (:
Para Bella ;D
reparem que quem fez o vídeo ama a Itália! ela aparece muito!
Que medo....
Para Alice ;D
Também gosto da Shakira, mas não vou comentar dela, vou comentar de você: tá sumido hein? Que houve? Semana de provas???
Todos no Castelo estamos passando por esse mau também...
As minhas terminam quarta, ehhhhhh!! Sorte a minha já saber as respostas antes, ahauahuahauahua.
domingo, 20 de junho de 2010
Waka Waka (This Time For Africa) - Shakira
You're a good soldier
Choosing your battles
Pick yourself up
And dust yourself off
And back in the saddle
You're on the frontline
Everyone's watching
You know it's serious
We're getting closer
This isn't over
The pressure is on
You feel it
But you've got it all
Believe it
When you fall, get up
Oh oh...
And if you fall, get up
Oh oh...
Tsamina mina
Cuz this is Africa
Tsamina mina eh eh
Waka Waka eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa aa
This time for Africa
Listen to your god
This is our motto
Your time to shine
Don't wait in line
Y vamos por todo
People are raising
Their expectations
Go on and feed them
This is your moment
No hesitations
Today's your day
I feel it
You paved the way
Believe it
If you get down, get up
Oh oh...
When you get down, get up
Eh eh...
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa aa
This time for Africa
Tsamina mina eh eh
Waka Waka eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa aa
Tsamina mina eh eh
Waka Waka eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa
fonte: www.vagalume.com.br
Can't Be Tamed - Miley Cyrus
For those who don't know me
I can get a bit crazy
Have to get my way
24 hours a day, yep
Cuz I'm hot like that
Every guy everywhere
Just gives me mad attention
Like I'm under inspection
I always get til 10
Cause I'm built like that
I go through guys like money
Flyin' out the hands
They try to change me
But they realize they can't
And every tomorrow is
A day I never plan
If you gonna be my man understand
I can't be tamed
I can't be saved
I can't be blamed
I can't, can't
I can't, can't be tamed
I can't be changed
I can't be tamed
I can't be (can't be)
I can't be tamed
If there's a question about my intentions
I'll tell ya
I'm not here to sell ya
Or tell you to go to hell
I'm not a breat like that
I'm like a puzzle but
All my pieces are jagged
If you can understand this
We can make some magic
I'm wrong like that
I wanna fly I wanna drive I wanna go
I wanna be a part of somethin' I don't know
And if you try to hold me back I might explode
Baby by now you should know
I can't be tamed
I can't be saved
I can't be blamed
I can't, can't
I can't, can't be tamed
I can't be changed
I can't be tamed
I can't be (can't be)
I can't be tamed
Well I'm not a trick you play
I'm wired a different way
I'm not a mistake
I'm not a fake
It's set in my DNA
Don't change me
Don't change me
Don't change me
Don't change me
(I can't be tamed)
I wanna fly I wanna drive I wanna go
I wanna be a part of somethin' I don't know
And if you try to hold me back I might explode
Baby by now you should know
I can't be tamed
I can't be saved
I can't be blamed
I can't, can't
I can't, can't be tamed
I can't be changed
I can't be tamed
I can't be (can't be)
I can't be tamed
fonte: www.vagalume.com.br
Russet Noon - Capítulo 03: Desaparecida
Após ler algumas das reações ao capítulo anterior, decidi escrever um breve prefácio ao capítulo 3 com a intenção de esclarecer algumas coisas importantes sobre Russet Noon.Russet Noon é uma história gótica de amor entre Jacob e Bella. Não é um romance entre Jacob e Nessie. Eu entendo e respeito que a maioria dos fãs da Saga Crepúsculo acredite que o lugar de Jacob é com Nessie. Entretanto, não sou uma dessas fãs.Toda a razão por trás de Russet Noon é explorar um universo alternativo de Crepúsculo no qual Bella percebe que ela amava Jacob afinal. Os fãs de Edward e Bella já tiveram seu final feliz oficial e também os fãs de Jake e Nessie. Nós, os fãs de Jacob e Bella nunca tivemos o nosso final feliz.Espero sinceramente que meus leitores entendam que, como uma autora, tenho que escrever o que está em meu coração. Tenho que ser verdadeira para com minha visão. Na minha opinião, Jacob tendo um imprinting com Nessie foi uma saída fácil. Nunca engoli essa e nunca irei. É por isso que fui inspirada a escrever Russet Noon em primeiro lugar.Envio todo meu amor aos fãs de Edward e Bella, assim como aos fãs de Jake e Nessie. Sou honrada por tê-los lendo meu livro. Tenho uma história para contar e sinceramente espero que cgostem. Certamente espero que os fãs de Jacob e Bella gostem.Contudo, a história que tenho para contar é sobre um universo alternativo onde Jake e Bella se apaixonam, ou melhor, onde eles estiveram apaixonados todo o tempo.
Para concluir, gostaria de encorajá-los a abrirem suas mentes para possibilidades diferentes. Por favor, deem a Russet Noon uma chance. E agora, sem mais demora, gostaria de convidá-los a ler o terceiro capítulo de Russet Noon: Desaparecida.